About Us

MMV-ENGINEERING LTD is a bulgarian consultancy company in the field of constructions. The company offers consultancy services in the field of investment research and design, consultancy services during construction and putting the site in operation, site supervision, examination of buildings and elaboration of the Technical passports, examination and certifying for Energy efficiency of new and existing buildings. The Certificate issued by the Ministry of regional development and building work gives legal base to MMV ENGINEERING LTD to implement consultancy services in Bulgaria. The Agency for durable energy development issued the Certificate on the name of MMV ENGINEERING LTD which gives possibility for reporting, examination and certifying for Energy efficiency of new and existing buildings.

Our Values



To offer an optimal service in the intermediation between the government, municipality, control authorities and private entities, partners in the building process i.e. owners, contractors and designers.



To position MMV Engineering as a major reference in the sector because of the solvent capacity and the proved performance excellence in the certification and the site supervision of a wide range of buildings and infrastructures in Bulgaria.



MMV Engineering develops a complex approach based on the following values: professional excellence, thanks to a properly trained human team, working transparency and personal commitment to the high quality of our service.

Our Highlights

Certificate issued by MRRB

8 people engaged daily

Certification ISO 9001

Certificate by Agency for durable energy development

Certifications ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001

24 people engaged daily and ISO 45001

28 people engaged daily

MMV Team

Michail Valtchanov CEO

Michail Valtchanov


Juliana Valtchanova CEO

Juliana Valtchanova


Evgeni Metchev Senior project manager

Evgeni Metchev

Senior project manager

Pavlinka Todorova Senior structural supervisor and tehnical control

Pavlinka Todorova

Senior structural supervisor and tehnical control

Borislava Filipova Lawyer

Borislava Filipova


Dimitar Rusev Lawyer

Dimitar Rusev


Milena Koleva Architectural supervisor

Milena Koleva

Architectural supervisor

Dimitrar Kovachev Senior structural supervisor

Dimitrar Kovachev

Senior structural supervisor

Marin Valkov Senior structural supervisor

Marin Valkov

Senior structural supervisor

Evgenia Vasileva Senior water and drainage supervisor

Evgenia Vasileva

Senior water and drainage supervisor

Dimcho Dichev Senior electrical supervisor

Dimcho Dichev

Senior electrical supervisor

Georgi Petkov Senior HVAC supervisor

Georgi Petkov

Senior HVAC supervisor

Katya Geleva Project manager

Katya Geleva

Project manager

Maria Mihailova Project manager

Maria Mihailova

Project manager

Svilena Boneva Project manager and architectural supervisor

Svilena Boneva

Project manager and architectural supervisor

Radina Peeva Project manager and architectural supervisor

Radina Peeva

Project manager and architectural supervisor

Marina Grozranova Project manager

Marina Grozranova

Project manager

Vladimir Nikolov Geodesy supervisor

Vladimir Nikolov

Geodesy supervisor

Iva Ivova Sanitary requirements supervisor

Iva Ivova

Sanitary requirements supervisor

Georgi Sabev Structural supervisor and health and safety coordinator on site

Georgi Sabev

Structural supervisor and health and safety coordinator on site

Sahso Stoichev Fire safety supervisor

Sahso Stoichev

Fire safety supervisor

Tsvetelina Dimitrova Electrical supervisor

Tsvetelina Dimitrova

Electrical supervisor

Ivan Dimchev HVAC supervisor

Ivan Dimchev

HVAC supervisor

Maria Ivanova Water and drainage supervisor

Maria Ivanova

Water and drainage supervisor

Irena Tomova Office organizator

Irena Tomova

Office organizator

Vladimir Borisov Logistic organizator

Vladimir Borisov

Logistic organizator

Nikolai Valchev Logistic organizator

Nikolai Valchev

Logistic organizator

Vladimir Dimitrov Fire safety supervisor

Vladimir Dimitrov

Fire safety supervisor

Mario Blaskov HVAC supervisor

Mario Blaskov

HVAC supervisor

Svetoslav Stoykov HVAC supervisor

Svetoslav Stoykov

HVAC supervisor

Nikolay Iordanov Structural supervisor and health and safety coordinator on site

Nikolay Iordanov

Structural supervisor and health and safety coordinator on site

Iliana Kaftanova Structural supervisor and technical control

Iliana Kaftanova

Structural supervisor and technical control