MMV-ENGINEERING LTD is a private company with experience and tradition in the field of consultancy and site supervision for more than 20 years.

MMV-ENGINEERING LTD offers: - complex services and decisions during the pre-design investigation period - design and construction - site supervision - putting in operation of finished buildings. The company also provides elaboration of Technical passports, calculations and certifications for Energy efficiency of new and existing buildings.

During the last 20 years the company has been involved in more than 900 successful projects and has been recognized as a reliable partner for its effective and compact consultancy services.

Punctuality, responsibility and professional attitude are the landmarks for our work!

We are aware of the importance of our main task- Successful fulfilment of each investment intention!

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Facts & Figures


Years experience


Satisffied clients


Succesful projects


Millions m2 built


Residential buildings


Production buildings


Public buildings


Water-supply network


Best active consultant/supervisor Industrial buildings 2019

Best active consultant/supervisor for the city of Sofia 2019, 2020, 2021

Best active consultant/supervisor for the district of Sofia

Best active consultant/supervisor Office buildings 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

Best active consultant/supervisor Residential buildings 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

Best active consultant/supervisor SPECIAL AWARD 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

* based on completed square meters of build-up area

Reports and papers

Reports and papers

All the requesites you need according in Building Management Law.

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Site supervision

Site supervision

All the services will let you construct under the bulgarian regulations.

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Technical passports

Technical passports

Get now all technical passports you need for new and existing buildings.

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Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

Does your building complies with the law of the Energy efficiency? We help you!

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Our Clients

From multinationals to small construction companies, we understand that each company is its own universe with its synergies and dynamics, and each one of them is unique and unrepeatable. Therefore, we treat our clients in a personalized way, attending to their needs, whatever they may be.

Working with MMV is a guarantee of excellence and professionalism. Throughout the whole process, they worked with a lot of commitment and solvency and answered to all kind of situations with high efficiency.
Vasil Grigorov,